Person in a blue suit walking down stairs with modern buildings in the background.

There can be no specific guide for learning as each mind is different from the other. You can utilize some essential tips that can aid your process through! Even the most oriented people struggle sometimes. 

The concept of self-studying is increasing regardless of it being for personal benefits or to get ahead in the competition. Especially, mid-level professionals are beginning to give extra time to self-learning and education. 

Concentrating even when you are alone can be a challenge as numerous things can distract you. To narrow down your attentiveness, you have to adapt some strategies. You will notice that you are producing better results in no time. Read the points thoroughly to make your studying and education functional and robust.  

1.    Be passionate to learn:  

It is funny how you can control your mind and emotions. Each person has their favorite and least liked topics. But you should ideally be thrilled to learn about all aspects career growth.  

Trick your mind into thinking you want to absorb extra information that will shape you into a knowledgeable professional. It is often a matter of time, as well. Find creative ways of learning that you can look forward to!  

2.    Form a firm schedule:  

Adding time for self-study seems impossible in your mid to senior level career professionals.From the first day, you should keep in mind the importance of a schedule. You do not even have to make one, just get ready to be strict about your time. Soon you will notice that everything is falling in place seamlessly. Scheduling your time is essential, but what's more critical is adhering to it. 

3.    Do more than mere reading:  

Your mind will retain things better if you feed it with more than words. In many cases, there is a limit to which your brain can soak up words. After that, even if you continue reading the probability of effectiveness will decrease. But you can add excitement and creativity to your learning process with the help of multiple tools and sources. For example use of cycles and statistics or even referring to videos and pictures are a meaningful ways to study new concepts. While reading, you create your ideas. 

4.    Analyze your learning progress:  

You should continuously ask yourself if you are upgrading. Am I happy with my achievement? Where do I lack? How should I manage that? What are the ways that will eliminate my weaknesses? Questioning yourself is a healthy way of self-analyzing. If one approach is not working, then shift to another one. Steer clear of the methods that are draining your potential.  

5.    Note-making: 

If you are reading, then you should make notes. Once the sentences have gone through your hands, you will notice they are better retained. Note-making also prompts you to think about what you are writing.


You can review more advice on growing your career. Use the job search tool to apply for jobs across Africa in different disciplines and industries. 

This article is contributed by South Africa based freelance writer Jessica Stone

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