Person typing on a laptop at a wooden desk with a plant and phone.

The experience section of your resume may be the beefiest part, but it won’t necessarily make you stand out. Your resume objective is the part that really catches or loses the attention of a hiring manager.

People aren’t always sure what to put into this section. Here are five simple things to keep in mind when crafting your resume objective.

1. It’s necessary

If you’re relatively new to the workforce, or if you’re changing direction, you definitely need an objective section. You’ll use this to explain both your skills and your goals for the future, as well as how they fit into the position you’re applying for.

However, if you have plenty of experience in your given field, a resume summary is a better use of that space.

2. It’s efficient

You should keep your objective as concise as possible. Your story should come across in two or three sentences at maximum, and take up only a couple lines of space.

The message should be conveyed in just a quick scan, so don’t make it too complicated or flowery. Be confident that each word you use has purpose and meaning, that way no space is wasted.

3. It’s specific

Each objective should be tailored to the exact job you’re applying for. If possible, mention the title and refer to the attributes listed in the job description or posting.

Do not use generalizations like “excellent sales skills” or “great time management.” Cite specific examples or outcomes that you’ve gained in your experience and relate it to the requirements of your desired position. Make it obvious that you’re applying for this job, and not just any job.

4. It’s about them, not you

It’s exciting when you’re applying for your dream job, but that does not mean you can do the task at hand. That is why companies and hiring managers want to see what your particular skills can do for them, not necessarily what they could do for you.

Your objective is a place where you sell yourself to your potential employer. Use this opportunity to convince them that you’re exactly what they’re looking for and that you can make positive change in their organization.

5. It’s compelling

If your resume is boring or mundane, no one is going to give it a second thought. So make your objective as unique as you are.

Use action verbs and compelling adjectives to get your point across, giving people a reason to read on. You only have a short amount of time to catch someone’s attention and tell your story, so make sure you tell it well.

If you’re ready to enter the next phase of your career, reach out to the Michael Page team of experts, who can help you find your next opportunity.

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